I’ve Run Out of Bandaids

A theology of failure. In so many cases, success is not the primary aperture to judge accomplishment by – but rather the effort we exert towards a calling and the resolve to continue moving forward regardless of how others, or even we ourselves, would view the end result.

The righteous may fall seven times but still get up… Proverbs 24:16a The following is where I currently am as I process a theology of failure. I undoubtedly will write some aspects of this incorrectly, if not many! But, I’m still going to take a shot at writing my thoughts.. which is also the largest […]

Remembering to Remember

If you’re like me, not that I would assume you are, but I forget a lot. True story. Somehow the Lord gave me the wherewithall to be able to manage some pretty large projects and clients, but… I may forget why I went to the grocery store. Or even more often, just after I call someone and it […]