Are You Reaching Your Digital Members?

You and your staff may know most of your members personally, but what about those you haven’t met who are lying just on the periphery, perusing the website and following on social media? Are you reaching your digital members? Here are some (free) tools you already have in your pocket to do just that. YOUR […]

Your Church Can Simulcast (And Probably Should!)

First of all, what is simulcasting exactly? Simulcasting is not live streaming a regular church service (although your church might want to consider that as well). Simulcasting is when your church streams an event being held somewhere else. Probably the most popular and common example is a youth group Super Bowl party. Youth groups and […]

Low-Budget Tuneage for Your Videos

As we march on in this digital age, videos are everywhere – on websites and social media platforms like Netflix, Youtube, Snapchat, etc. Pretty soon, video will be more prevalent than text or photos! Why though? What makes them so captivating? For one: they’re VISUAL. But also: they’re audible! And audio can make or break the […]